Finding a reputable proctologist in the Los Angeles area can be difficult, as there are many different surgeries that offer proctology procedures.  Carrying out some online research will probably be the best way to start looking.  You can search for proctologists, but most now prefer the term “colorectal surgeon,” which is the more modern description.  Colorectal surgeons specialize in the treatment of conditions involving the colon, rectum, anus and pelvic floor, which can also be described as the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Check The Website of The Proctologist

Searching using an online search engine such as Google will provide you with a list of proctologists in the Los Angeles area.  You will then be able to look at the websites for each of these proctologists to find out more about their training, expertise and the procedures that they are able to offer.  Look for a proctologist who is board certified, and ideally one who is a member of a professional association such as the American College of Surgeons or the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons.  If they are involved in teaching at a respected university, or are an Attending Surgeon or Physician at a major hospital, then this is a very good indication that they have considerable knowledge and expertise.

Browse Doctor Review Websites For Real Patient Reviews

Once you have established which proctologist on your list has these credentials, then looking for reviews should be the next stage of your research.  There are several different websites that enable patients to post comprehensive reviews of any doctors or proctologists that they have seen, making it easier for you to decide whom you would like to see.  Check on, Healthgrades and Vitals to see whether there are any reviews of the proctologists you are considering.  These should give a much more balanced view than any patient testimonials that you may find on the proctologist’s own website.

Finally, you should meet with the proctologist face to face before you make your final decision.  This will probably involve scheduling (and paying for) an initial consultation, but it will mean that you are making a fully informed decision.  You can discuss the procedures, including risks and benefits, with the proctologist, and you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions.  You should ask the proctologist about their experience in performing the procedure that you are likely to need.  Ideally, you should also receive some written information that you can take away with you to review again later, as it is unlikely that you will remember everything that is said.

Schedule An Appointment To Receive A Consultation

During a consultation, any reputable proctologist will answer any questions that you might have, and will not pressure you to make a decision at the time.  You should have the opportunity to go home to think about it.  Los Angeles has many colorectal surgeons and proctologists to choose from, so make sure you do your research very carefully.

Your local proctologist will provide you with sufficient information to make an informed decision about the future of your treatment.  Although there are many possible treatments for each condition, the first step has to be booking the initial appointment, which will put you on the path to eliminating, or at least controlling, your symptoms.
If you are looking for specialist medical treatment within the Los Angeles area, then some of the terms that are used may be confusing if you do not have a medical background.  A proctologist is a type of doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the colon (or large intestine), rectum and anus.  This entire region may be referred to as the bowel.  Some proctologists will also treat conditions affecting the pelvic floor.  A proctologist is now referred to, usually, as a colorectal surgeon.  This is a modern term that describes what these doctors do more accurately.

What Does a Colorectal Surgeon Do?
A colorectal surgeon will diagnose and treat conditions of the bowel (consisting of the colon, rectum and anus) and the pelvic floor.  This will initially involve taking a medical history to find out what your symptoms are and how long they have been present.  This may be sufficient to diagnose your condition, or you may need to undergo more comprehensive screening procedures.  You will be advised of the different screening methods, the risks and the benefits of each before you undergo any procedures.

Once your condition has been diagnosed, you and your LA colorectal surgeon will be able to discuss how you would like to proceed with your treatment.  There may be a number of options, depending on the exact condition that you have, but the most likely advice, to begin with, will involve making a number of lifestyle changes, particularly regarding your diet.

What Are The Screening Procedures?
The most common screening procedure that your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon will carry out is called a colonoscopy.  This involves the insertion of a narrow, flexible tube into the colon, via the anus.  This tube has a camera on the end, which projects the images of the colon lining onto a computer screen, which the doctor can then examine closely.  This is the most accurate method of identifying any abnormalities in the lining of the bowel, and is a very low risk procedure.  Sedation is used, rather than anaesthetic, which has the advantage of reducing the risks even further.  This does mean that you will be awake throughout the procedure, which can be uncomfortable, but is not generally considered to be painful.

A flexible sigmoidoscopy may be used instead, if it is thought that the problem is located within the last two feet of the bowel.  This region is called the sigmoid colon.  Your LA proctologist will carry out this screening procedure, which is very similar to a colonoscopy, in order to look at this final section of the gastrointestinal tract.

Are There Any Non-invasive Procedures?
Yes, it is possible to use non-invasive methods to screen the bowel for abnormalities.  However, as your Los Angeles colorectal surgeon will inform you, these procedures are less accurate than either a colonoscopy for a flexible sigmoidoscopy, so it is therefore possible for changes in the bowel to be missed.

Barium solutions and x-rays can be used in combination to give a view of the digestive tract.  The barium solution allows the digestive system to be seen on an x-ray, and this can be used to identify abnormalities such as growths.  The solution can either be swallowed or given as an enema, depending on which region is being examined.  You may be given the choice of which you would prefer, or your surgeon may decide.  Additionally, a virtual colonoscopy may be performed.  This is a CT scan using air to distend the colon so that the radiologist may view the colon lining.  

Both of these procedures involve the traditional bowel cleansing prior to the procedure and both involve the use of radiation during the procedure.  Additionally, if polyps are found, they cannot be removed during these procedures.  A colonoscopy will be required.  Therefore, most people opt to have a colonoscopy as their screening exam.

Choosing a Proctologist or Colorectal Surgeon
When you are choosing one of the many colorectal specialists in Los Angeles, it would help if someone you knew could provide a recommendation.  If not, then you should ask your doctor for a list of those in your local area, and then you will need to do some research.  Find out about the specialists that you are considering – search online and you will find that they all have either their own website, or are featured on the website of the clinic where they work.  Check their qualifications, whether they are board certified, and are a member of a professional organisation.

Finally, book an initial consultation so that you can meet the surgeon.  If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the experience, you will be able to go elsewhere for future appointments.
Finding a proctologist in the Los Angeles area is something that you may need to do if you have been experiencing symptoms such as changes in your bowel habits, blood in the stool or abdominal pain.  A proctologist is now more likely to be referred to as a colorectal surgeon, and this is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the lower digestive tract.  This region of the body includes the colon (sometimes known as the large intestine), the rectum, anus and the pelvic floor.

If your symptoms suggest that you would benefit from seeing a proctologist, then the first thing that you need to do is choose who you would like to see.  There are many proctologists in the Los Angeles area, and it can be difficult to make that decision.

How Do I get Information About Proctologists?
There are a number of ways in which you can try to identify which is the right Los Angeles proctologist for you.  You need to feel comfortable in the presence of your doctor, and confident in their knowledge and skills.  Therefore, make your choice carefully, and don’t be pressured into making a quick decision.

If you know someone who has recently visited a proctologist, then you may want to ask for a recommendation.  If not, then one of the first things you can do is speak to your doctor.  He or she will be able to provide you with a list of colorectal surgeons in the local area, which will give you an excellent starting point.  However, you will still need to do some research before you make your decision.  Once you have the names of the specialists, you will then need to search online to find more information about each of them.  They should all have a website, or be featured on the website of the clinic or hospital where they work.  This should provide information about their training and experience of working in the field of proctology.  You should check to see if they are board certified, and whether they are a member of a professional organisation such as the American Medical Association.  It is also worth checking to see whether they are an Attending Surgeon or Attending Physician at a major hospital, or on the teaching staff at a university.  These are usually very good indicators that the doctor is highly regarded within the field.  This should help to narrow down your list to a few specialists.

What is the Next Stage in the Process?
Once you have your shortlist of LA proctologists, it would be a good idea to check for any reviews that previous patients have written.  While you may find patient testimonials on their websites, you would be much better going to a dedicated review website, as these are much less likely to be biased.  This will tell you whether previous patients were satisfied with the treatment that they received.  Try the websites Healthgrades or Yelp, as a starting point. 

This may help you to narrow down your selection even further.  You may then want to book an initial consultation with two or three doctors that you are considering.  This will mean that you can meet each of the proctologists face to face, discuss your symptoms and find which of them you would prefer to see.  Some colorectal conditions are chronic, which means that they are likely to be lifelong, so it is important that you make the right decision.  Feel free to ask any questions that you may have; if they are reluctant to answer, then this should be a cause for concern and you may wish to go elsewhere.  You may also want to ask for a tour of the facilities, to see where you would be treated if you need to undergo any surgical or screening procedures.

What Should I do Now?
The next step is for you to choose one of the proctologists that you have researched and perhaps visited.  By this point, you should have decided which you feel comfortable with and would be happy to see on a regular basis for your treatment.  Then, you can book a follow-up appointment to discuss how best to proceed with treatment.
If you are experiencing problems with your gastrointestinal tract (which you may know more simply as the digestive system), then it may be advisable for you to see a specialist doctor.  However, Los Angeles has a wide variety of specialists, with expertise in numerous different areas, and it can therefore be difficult to identify exactly what you need, especially if your medical knowledge is limited.

What is a Proctologist?
If you are looking for a proctologist in Los Angeles, then you will need to be aware that they are now more likely to be referred to as colorectal surgeons.  This is because the modern term more accurately reflects the work that is done within this area of medicine.  A colorectal surgeon specialises the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the bowel, which consists of the colon (sometimes referred to as the large intestine), the rectum and anus, in addition to the pelvic floor.  Some of the conditions that will be seen are easily treatable (polyps, for example, can be removed quickly and easily during a colonoscopy procedure), while others are chronic and require the long term management of symptoms (irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, being an excellent example of this).  Colorectal surgeons are able to carry out a wide range of screening and surgical procedures.

What is a Gastroenterologist?
A gastroenterologist is a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract.  This can involve any part of the system, from the mouth to the anus.  Many of the conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract are chronic, which means that they are long term and will most likely be present for the entire duration of the patient’s lifetime.  This means that treatment of these conditions (such as Crohn’s disease) largely consists of managing the symptoms in such a way as to reduce the impact on the patient’s day to day life.  Regular check-ups will be required to ensure that the lifestyle advice given is not only being followed, but is also resulting in the best possible outcome.

Though gastroenterologists look at the entire digestive system, they are generally unable to carry out surgical or screening procedures, and if these are required, you may need to be referred to another doctor.  Colon and rectal surgeons are able to both diagnose and treat colonic conditions, and use surgical techniques in the treatment of many conditions  if necessary.  Gastroenterologists and colorectal surgeons have the same training when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of most intestinal conditions.

How Do I Know Which to Choose?
Choosing the right type of specialist for you can be extremely difficult.  You might need to ask your doctor for advice on which to choose, or you may prefer to think about which parts of the body are being affected by your symptoms.  They will also be able to give you a list of specialists within the Los Angeles area, which may help you to choose.  However, symptoms such as abdominal pain and nausea are common to many gastrointestinal disorders, and may not be of much use to you when deciding whether you would prefer to see a gastroenterologist or a proctologist.

If your symptoms are general and could be caused by problems in any part of the gastrointestinal system, then it would be best for you to see a gastroenterologist, at least initially.  As they have studied the entire digestive system, they will be able to narrow down the area that is responsible for your symptoms, and should also be able to give you a diagnosis, after the appropriate clinical investigations have been carried out.  Once you have a diagnosis, you will then know whether seeing a gastroenterologist is the best course of action, or whether you should be seeing a colorectal surgeon instead.  Your doctor and specialist will discuss this with you, and will be able to advise you on the best course of action when it comes to obtaining further treatment in the Los Angeles area.

When Do I Need to See a Proctologist or Gastroenterologist?

Once you have made your decision about whether you should be seeing a proctologist or a gastroenterologist, you will need to choose one of the many specialists that can be found in Los Angeles.  You may want to look at the websites of these specialists and read some patient reviews on one of the dedicated review websites before you make your decision.  After this, all that you need to do is call and book your consultation.

Proctology is a term used to describe the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the colon (sometimes referred to as the large intestine), the rectum and the anus.  The medical specialist who studies this region of the body can either be termed a proctologist or a colorectal surgeon, which is the more modern term, and the one now generally preferred within the profession.

A proctology examination will involve looking at the colon in order to identify any abnormalities, such as growths or inflammation (swelling).  There are a number of different ways that your Los Angeles proctologist can carry out an examination, and before this is done, they will discuss the benefits and risks with you.  You will have the opportunity to ask any questions that you might have before the procedure is carried out.

What types of procedures may be performed?
The most commonly used procedure to screen the colon for any abnormalities is a colonoscopy.  This will generally be carried out under sedation.  

A colonoscopy involves the insertion of a narrow, flexible tube into the colon, by passing it through the anus.  On the end of this tube is a camera, which allows the surgeon to view the lining of the colon on a computer screen.  This procedure looks at the inner lining of the entire colon, and is the most accurate method of detecting abnormalities in this region of the body. Colonoscopy is an extremely safe screening procedure, and it can also be used to take tissue samples (this is called a biopsy) or to remove abnormal growths before they turn cancerous.  The majority of screening proctology exams carried out by your Los Angeles doctor will be colonoscopies.

Are there any other procedures?
It is also possible that the procedure carried out could be a flexible sigmoidoscopy.  This is a very similar procedure to the colonoscopy, because it also involves a flexible tube with a camera.  However, it only looks at the last part of the bowel, which is called the sigmoid colon, and is approximately two feet in length.  It cannot be used to remove growths or take tissue samples, so if these are required, another procedure will need to be carried out at a later date.

A less invasive method of looking at the colon is to use a barium sample and x-rays.  The barium sample, is given as an enema.   The barium enables the digestive system to be shown on x-rays, though it is a much less accurate screening procedure than either the colonoscopy or the sigmoidoscopy.  This is not as accurate as the colonoscopy, requires a bowel cleansing prior to the procedure and also requires the use of radiation during the procedure.

One more method that may be used in a proctology examination is a CT colonography.  This requires a CT scan of your body, which produces a 3D image of the bowel.  This is not as accurate as the colonoscopy, requires a bowel cleansing prior to the procedure and also requires the use of radiation during the procedure.

As such, most patients opt to have a colonoscopy as the screening procedure of choice.

The options will be discussed in full with you by your LA surgeon before any procedures are carried out, so you will be able to find out what the benefits and risks of each procedure are.

What should I do then?
If you think that you would benefit from a proctology examination, then you will need to make an appointment with a Los Angeles specialist.  There are many colorectal surgeons in the area, so what you need to do next is choose one and book your initial consultation.  You will then be able to discuss your symptoms and any concerns that you might have.  Changes in bowel habits are usually an indication that you need to see a doctor, particularly if they persist for longer than a week.
Los Angeles hemorrhoid
A mere shift to a diet of high dietary fiber content can be a very good remedy to Los Angeles hemorrhoid issues. As one might expect, softer stools made possible by fiber can ease the symptoms of this condition. There are those who rely on laxatives, but long-term use of these agents is discouraged because of their opposite effect once use is discontinued.

Hemorrhoids that stick out of the anus are also often accompanied by excruciating pain, which is just another problem that compounds this condition. There are hemorrhoids that stay inside the rectum, but when they protrude, usually when straining for bowel movement, they can be so painful.

In this case, a person needs pain management. Self-medication is highly discouraged, however, as some drugs may react negatively with medical conditions like hyperthyroidism. Therefore, it is a must to seek a doctor's advice when applying any type of remedy to hemorrhoids.


    Physicians specializing in proctology are called colorectal surgeons or proctologists. In the United States, to become colorectal surgeons, these surgical doctors have to complete a general surgery residency, as well as a colorectal surgery fellowship, upon which they are eligible to be certified in their field of expertise by the ABCRS or AOBP.


    May 2013
    April 2013